If you're like me and absolutely LOVE target then this post is for you!
A few months ago I learned about Target's free app called "Cartwheel" and have pretty much been obsessed with it ever since. You digitally "clip" coupons and they scan your phone (or print out from your computer for those of you without a smartphone) to apply them to your total for a great discount! Here's what it looks like on the app's homepage:
(Yep, I'm up to $176.92 in savings!!)
The coupons percentage off ranges from 5-50% but every little bit helps. You can save on everything from makeup to clothing to cleaning products and more! The best deals are when the cartwheel coupon matches up with a weekly deal from their ad- you can save so much! I know a lot of moms love this app because you can really save money on diapers, wipes, and formula.
When I use the app I like to click the "all offers" tab and then sort by discount (top right) which sorts the coupons by percentage off from highest to lowest. You can also sort through tabs like clothing, furniture, electronics, etc. or search a specific word like "windex"
You can earn more open spots for coupons by linking your Facebook or from earning badges for things like saving $25,$50,$100 or clipping a coupon a friend has also clipped, buying a holiday item, and more. I'm up to 23 spots to clip coupons but when you first get the app, or sign up on your computer, I think you start with 10 openings.
The best part is once you're done with a coupon you can erase it and add more for your next trip to target, and if you're like me, you'll be back in a few days!
Do you use the cartwheel app? Do you have your own tips and tricks? I'd love to hear!
xoxo Lindsey
LOVE this app! I am super impressed by your savings total... I think I just made it over the $50 savings hump haha! I get so mad when I forget to check Cartwheel before shopping (and too preoccupied with shopping and Presley to add during the trip). Seriously one of my favorite apps. I wish you guys had Kroger (grocery store) up there - they have a coupon/ad app and seriously, amazing. You can add coupons right onto your Kroger card! You would love it. I vaguely remember Jewel starting something like that - but I didn't ever shop their consistently enough and my coupons would never load to the card! Grr!